JUSTine Otto



born in Zabrze/Poland.

1996 - 2003 Graduate Studies Free Painting at the Staatliche Hochschule - Städelschule - Frankfurt a. M

2003 Meisterschülerin by Prof. Michael Krebber and Prof. Peter Angermann



2014 Phillips collection emerging artist prize, Washington D.C (USA)

2010 Lukas Stipendium in Skagaströnd (Island)

2011 Kunstpreis des Lüneburgischen Landschaftsverbandes

2011 Kulturförderpreis Bildende Kunst des Landkreises Lüneburg

2013 Rolf Seisser Preis des Lions Clubs Frankfurt

2005 Volker-Hinniger Preis der Stadtgalerie Bamberg 2000 AEG Kunstpreis Ökologie

Numerous exhibitions at home and abroad




COLLECTIONS: Phillips Collection, Washington D.C. USA, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt, Ines und Jürgen Graf Stiftung, Köln, Museum Abtei Liesborn, Museum Angerlehner, Österreich, Museum Franz Gertsch Schweiz (Willy Michel Stiftung), Schweiz; Niehaus Pharma, Ingelheim, Soer Rusche, Oelde/ Berlin; Kunsthalle Hense Bochum; Blobel, New York; Ammann Collection, Schweiz ; Philippe Leeman, Antwerpen; Connersmith, Washington D.C,; Lauer Collection Washington D.C.



Jean-Christophe Ammann in Justine Otto's Female Territory at 'Halbpension' at Kerber Verlag

‘Fairy tales are true’, says the artist. What she does is to intensify fairy tale themes by engaging in a medialisation process that blurs their levels of reality. Through the harshness of her pictures, their implacability, Justine Otto creates a reality that is neither overdone nor pathetic, but that touches a nerve in a present time in which extremes are either embedded or exploding, in which the erotic quality of these extremes appear as extended, atrophied, travesties or fetishes of themselves ...